Network Overview
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The XnY network oversees data submission, storage, validation, assetification, and incentive distribution. Contributors submit encrypted data for storage, validated by human reviewers for accuracy. Data demanders specify requirements and facilitate storage and validation through the XnY SDK. Internally, assetification transforms data submissions into assets, triggering reward distribution based on quality. Validator nodes monitor submission and verification, ensuring secure, accurate handling, while privacy nodes protect user data.
The diagram above illustrates the complete process of data submission, encrypted storage, validation, assetification, and incentive distribution within the XnY network. The main process is described as follows:
Data Contributors:
Data contributors (Submitters) use a customized front-end (UX) to submit data to the system. The data is encrypted and sent to the "Frontier Submission Service", which generates a data digest and an index URI. The data is then sent to the "Data Storage Service" for storage, and the storage URI is indexed.
Human Validation Service: Reviewers can access the encrypted data through the XnY SDK, decrypt it, and return the results to the system to improve the accuracy and validity of the data labeling.
Data Demanders: Define the data collection UX and use the XnY SDK to complete data storage, data assetification, and automated data validation and incentive distribution. The Data Validator Node uses Google Cloud Confidential VMs to prevent data leakage during processing. Encrypted storage and access control allow data owners to fully manage permissions.
XnY Internal Process:
Data Assetification Contracts: These contracts convert the submitted data into quantifiable assets. After the data is validated, the reward mechanism is triggered.
Incentive Contracts: These contracts are responsible for calculating and distributing rewards based on the data contribution and verification quality. Rewards are distributed to data contributors and validators to incentivize the submission and verification of high-quality data.
Data Validator Nodes: These nodes monitor the data submission events and the verification process. Upon completion of the verification, the nodes call the on-chain incentive contracts to distribute the rewards to the contributors and validators.
Privacy Computing Nodes: These nodes ensure the privacy and security of user data during the data processing phase.